



[INTERVIEW] A waterside artist who imagines what lies beyond the horizon and makes people feel like adventurers – S. Yanyeva

Art | 2024.07.31

Text by Hinata official

  • Feature
  • Interview

What made you want to become an artist?

I’ve loved drawing since I was a little girl. I drew everywhere and at every opportunity with coloured pencils, gouache and watercolors. At university, I had a course in methods of teaching visual arts, where I learnt about different materials. Later I got a master’s degree in psychology and didn’t paint for many years. A few years ago I moved to another country with my family. One day I went to an art supply shop and bought a box of watercolors. I have been painting almost every day since then. I am now a full time artist who participates in international exhibitions. Watercolor holds a special place in my heart. This material is capable of creating works from light, airy and transparent to bold, bright, reflecting the diversity of our world.

Traveling around the world in a picture frame

In my watercolor paintings I aim to capture the beauty and diversity of the world around us. My main source of inspiration is travel, which allows me to immerse myself in different cultures, landscapes and atmospheres. My paintings take the viewer to fascinating corners of the planet, from picturesque seascapes to the cozy streets of urban labyrinths, from the vibrant nature of the tropics to the muted tones of sea pebbles on the coasts. Through my watercolor creations, I invite viewers on a captivating journey to different corners of the Earth, inspiring us to care for our world and appreciate its incomparable beauty.

Infinite energy and tiny individuality

Marine landscapes have a special place in my art. They remind us of the boundless vastness and energy of the sea, inviting us to adventure and exploration.I find it interesting to paint water as it’s different, it’s always changing. And it is very exciting to depict dynamic water in one moment.
I also really like to paint rocks, especially sea pebbles. All pebbles are different, not like each other. I really like to build unusual towers of pebbles on the beach. It gives me a sense of balance, stability, and helps me to find peace within myself. I tried to depict these feelings in a series of works with pebble towers.

About the work “Morning Sailboat”

Morning Sailboat

“Morning Sailboat” was painted in plein air during my holiday in Turkey on the Mediterranean Sea. I went ashore early in the morning and saw a white sailboat with a folded sail.

In this work I tried to convey the silence and serenity that I felt at that moment, being alone with nature and this sailboat. I tried to convey the calm sea, almost without waves, and the sailboat reflected in the calm water.

By placing the sailboat a little to the right of the center I give the viewer the opportunity to look not only at the sailboat, but also to focus his gaze on the water, to feel the slight movement of the sea.

It gives me great pleasure and joy when my paintings find a new home. I sincerely hope that my paintings stimulate pleasant emotions and experiences, as well as decorate the interior.


My name is Svitlana Yanyeva and I am an artist from Ukraine. I was born in 1982 in Zhytomyr. Now I an my family temporarly live in Germany. I love to draw since childhood. I have two higher educations. In 2003 I received a bachelor’s degree in pedagogy. At the university I studied the course of teaching painting to children. Later, I received a master’s degree in social psychology. I started painting with watercolors at the beginning of 2020 and a new world has opened up for me. For more than three years I have been successfully selling my illustrations and paintings. For me watercolor is the perfect medium. I love the feeling when the brush touches the paper and the mixture of colors creates the shape of the objects. I very love to travel. I am inspired by beautiful seascapes. I also like to draw water in all its forms: the sea, rivers, waterfalls, ponds, puddles, raindrops on the window, etc.




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